I Need Jesus — People & Songs
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I Need Jesus

Photo Credit: @matt_marrs

Photo Credit: @matt_marrs

Dear Friends,

I'm looking forward to sharing a live music video of "I Need Jesus" with you. I had the honor & privilege of co-writing this song w/ my brother David Gentiles a few years back. Later, another one of my brothers, Jimmy Needham decided it needed some lyrical love and added his creative genius. 

This simple song of confession & belief is special to me. Over the years, of serving the Church, I have witnessed God move in too many ways to count. I've seen many people place their faith in Jesus, obtaining the outcome of faith; the salvation of their souls! Praise Jesus! 

My hope and prayer friends, is that we can grow so dependent on Jesus that we finally recognize we need nothing else. He is the absolute Source. My life is nothing without Him. #ineedJesus

- Kevin Jones

Watch the video for "I Need Jesus".