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Let Revival Come (Revive Me)

All across the world the Church is waking. She is up and singing, bold and unafraid and is not going back down! #LETREVIVALCOME

What a joy it was to write this song with my People & Songs brother Josh Sherman and the students of The Emerging Sound! We had a blast seeking Jesus through the Word of God and putting what the Holy Spirit impressed upon us to melody.

Psalm 51 is a prayer, written by David after biting into sin’s empty promises and experiencing its bitter aftertaste. It’s David acknowledging, confessing, and repenting of his sin. As David walked through that miserable valley of sin, he understood that God alone could restore and revive the joy in his heart. And in Psalm 51:12, he asked God to do just that!

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."

Don’t we all need that in some way today? Don’t we all need Jesus to restore the joy of our salvation, to revive our hearts? Without this joy-reviving work of Jesus, our hearts have a way of sinking into fear. Here’s just a small sampling of why we need Jesus to rescue us from fear and revive the joy in our hearts.

• Fear immobilizes but JOY mobilizes.

• Fear reminds you of your past and desires to keep you there but JOY reminds you of the hope set before you and helps you strive toward it.

• Fear enables doubt but JOY enables faith.

• Fear hardens our heart but JOY tenderizes our heart.

• Fear closes you up but JOY opens you up.

• Fear is always dissatisfied and discontent but JOY is always satisfied and content.

• Fear causes you to be sin focused but JOY causes you to be grace focused.

"Let Revival Come (Revive Me)" is a prayer modeled after David’s! It’s intended to remind us that God is so gracious to meet us in our sin and fear and restore the joy of our salvation! As we sing this song, we are agreeing with the apostle Paul as he writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9,

"But He (Jesus) said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

As we sing this song together, my hope is that it would lead you to embrace your weakness and to find new hope in Jesus – who loves to restore our joy!

Written by: Kevin Jones