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Behind the Song: Divine Exchange

Behind the Song: Divine Exchange

Written by Charity Gayle

"I wanted to write a song that had purpose, that the church could sing with thanksgiving and praise for the sanctifying blood of Jesus; A song that would bring that message to life and sing it at the top of my lungs!"

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

I am daily amazed at the thought that the Almighty God became flesh and dwelt among US- mankind- sinful, wretched, and full of trouble. He sacrificed His perfect life through the cross, His blood, and by that amazing love, GRACE became ours. I wanted to write a song that had purpose, that the church could sing with thanksgiving and praise for the sanctifying blood of Jesus; A song that would bring that message to life and sing it at the top of my lungs! So together with my good friends Jennie Lee Riddle (Revelation Song) Brandon Collins (I Stand Before Almighty God Alone) and Melanie Tierce, we penned 'Divine Exchange'.

As we wrote, I realized 'Divine Exchange' would become one of my daily reminders of the gospel. Matthew 6:20+21 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. I think of the lyrics "I lay down all lesser things for greater gain. He is alive inside of me" and joy fills my soul! I have been given life in exchange for my sin! I am thankful for the way this song speaks and ministers. It also serves to help missionary families spread the gospel as all of the profits made from the Divine Exchange single are being donated to Global Missions. I thank God for this song and for His amazing love.

C H A R I T Y G A Y L E . C O M