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Crystal Yates "I Believe"


Written by Crystal Yates

I Believe is a collection of songs that were written for people I love with each song having a specific purpose. Songs convict, heal and resonate with the soul like nothing else. I deeply want to be the kind of person, writer and artist that touches another’s soul. After all, that is the only investment that matters. The soul is the only thing that will continue on after we breathe our last breath. God has made us to love, care, and "speak" to one another. Music speaks to the human heart like no other earthly thing. So I hope this offering of music meets folks right where right where they are and helps them to lift their eyes higher.




“I watched a friend go through so much pain as her husband left her for another woman. This was after two reconciliations over two other affairs. My heart broke for her and I was angry. I wanted him to hear a song that cut him straight to the bone; one that would cause him to stop and return to his wife and children. I decided to write one and started singing the words ‘I'm gonna let that record play on, go down deep and cut you to the bone...let it run through your veins, till you finally feel some shame...I'm gonna let that record play on.’ I recorded a voice memo and sent it to my friend, Jack Doyle. He quickly caught the vision and ran with it. We all need conviction that leads to repentance. It sure would make me smile to know that someone came clean or that this song replayed in the back of their mind before they made the decision to take an unfaithful step… and for those who have been wounded and betrayed, I hope this helps them deal with their anger in a classy way.”



“It became clear to me after the papers were filled that my friends husband was not changing his mind, he was not coming back to her and the kids. I remember repeatedly telling her, ‘he is going to continue this destructive cycle, just not with you.’ I had a co-write set up with Jennie Riddle and Jack Doyle. I went to the cowrite with this broken hearted woman on my mind. I wanted to see her reach down and obtain the strength to move on. I took my thoughts and a melody and we all wrote a song that day that accomplishes just that. ‘Goodbye Letter’ was not written for those who aren't happy in their relationship; this is not permission to get out. No, it was written for those who have been punched below the belt by betrayal. A hurt that cuts deep like only infidelity can. It was written to build up after they have been torn down and give courage to move on and live again. I listened as my friend shared enemy accusations. I listened to the harassing questions, ‘why would my husband cheat and leave me?” I listened to the lying conclusions, ‘Maybe I wasn't pretty enough… exciting enough…’ and a bunch of destructive should-haves. We prayed. We cried. I spoke Truth. We do not excuse sin...we forgive. I hope this song brings resolve and hope to those wounded by abuse, infidelity and abandonment. I believe the best days are still ahead for my hurting sisters.”



“I like this musically lighthearted and upbeat little song. I believe in the message. This is meant to encourage the church and marriages. I brought Charlie Peacock a verse and chorus while we were in studio recording the tracks. Charlie brought his thoughtfulness and musical ideas to the song. We played around with it quite a bit. I ended up proud of the song but even more proud of the message it showcases. This song charges the battery. It charges mine! It inspires a move past circumstances. It helps to turn the proverbial lemon into lemonade and inspires a dance in the rain. It makes me think of the scripture John 16:33 ‘In this world you will have trouble, but take heart because I have overcome the world.’ It is filled with the hope that joy and peace can be found in the midst of trouble. That is the ‘Good Thing Going.’ Real promise and hope. Is it raining? Pouring? Dance anyway. Don't settle for anything else than joy. Tenaciously find reasons to laugh, sing and dance! Have courage! Take heart! Overcome!”



I lost my sweet Maw Maw last year. I watched her deteriorate for two years after a massive stroke. It was tough. I remember the relief I felt the day she went home. It was hard but I was thankful that she was whole and healed completely. One day while I was thinking about her and how sassy she was. I thought about when I first fell in love with Will and told her about it. I told her how nothing else mattered in the world and I was flying! She was quick to put my feet back down to the earth and say ‘honey, you haven't even left the ground!’ Of course me being the young fool, I said to myself, ‘she simply doesn't get it.’ Now after 16 years of marriage I see she was absolutely right. It took this idea into a co-writing session with Jennie Lee Riddle and Don Poythress.  We had the sweetest day writing, ‘Feels Like We're Flying’ and to this day I can't ever remember writing a song that feels so good and peaceful. I can't believe I ever had the silly notion that the high of young reckless love was as good as it gets. No, my Maw Maw was talking about the high of years of devotion and selfless love that stands the test of time. Now that I’m older, quieter and wiser, I remember her stories. Especially the ones that matter most; all the times that she stood by her husband’s side when it was difficult - and was my grandaddy a wild card! I pray we choose the kind of devotion that Maw Maw had. The kind that will see love through all the way to the end.”



The song "I Believe" was written for people that struggle with addiction. People in my own life. People I love. I'm still watching what sometimes seems to be a losing battle. However, I refuse to lose hope. As long as people breath and live to battle another day, I will hope. I believe. Sometimes we may have to dig deep but we must continue to pray, trust God, and believe. He is able. Romans 5: 6-8 says… ‘You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’
I find a lot of faith in this scripture. I am encouraged to demonstrate the love that loves ‘in spite of.” Love, loves. No matter what. Christ didn't justify us because we are good and deserve it. He died for love’s sake. This is what gives me the strength to love freely and keep hope. ‘I believe.’”



All relationships have hardships. We are each incomplete halves making up incomplete wholes. But, if we know we are in safe arms beautiful things can happen. My husband Will and I joke about our 'no one gets out alive' clause. But seriously! We are going to be a safe place for each other to risk exposure of self. You know, trying to hide self will kill your soul? That's the stuff that rots you to the core; self. If I know that the beams that hold up my house are weak and could collapse at any moment, why on earth would I ignore that? Digging must happen to fix it. We have to recognize our weaknesses, be willing to expose them, and receive the help that makes you stronger. Receive the love and grace that covers. We have to do this with and for and behalf of one-another. We must cover our relationships with love and grace. We need to learn to be a safe place and learn likewise to risk exposure of self. I want "I Believe" to be an album that welcomes the Spirit of God. It is His Breath that fills our lungs and makes us strong. It is His power that brings the change. His is His touch that produces healing.”
“All these songs were meant to be listened to as a complete message with "I Believe" being the string that ties the other songs together as an entire package. I believe that hurts are meant for healing and hearts and meant for love.”