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This is the Kingdom Now: A Christmas Devotional

This Is The Kingdom Now: A Christmas Devotional

How and where did God establish the reign of His Kingdom on earth? How would you normally expect a king to come and announce his rule and reign over a province? In Roman times, it would have been with a large procession of people. Officials would go before the king to announce his coming and the townsfolk would come out to meet and welcome him at the city gates. It would have been a grand entry, indeed. 

But how did our King, King Jesus, enter the scene? What about His grand entrance and the crowds of people surrounding Him at His coming? How was He welcomed and greeted? Where did He make His grand entrance? In a royal palace surrounded by prestigious attendants? No, our King did not have any of those things. He was greeted by the sights and smells of farm animals and manure. He was born in a messy, lowly place and was laid to rest in a feeding trough for cattle. “What kind of King is this?” one might ask. “And, what makes Him so kingly? What kind of Kingdom does He belong to?” In the words of Jesus, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” 

Jesus didn’t need a grand entry like the kings of this world needed because His Kingdom existed long before the foundations of the earth were laid. Today we celebrate the reality of His Kingdom breaking into the earth. We celebrate both the triumphal entry and triumphal reign of Christ on the earth. This “holy infant so tender and mild” is also the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. He is Immanuel, God with Us.

Scripture References: Luke 2, John 18:36, Psalm 145:13, Isaiah 9:6

Listen to “This Is The Kingdom Now” from “The Mercy of Jesus


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