Thank you for your generous support. All Contributions help to carry the Gospel forward through The Emerging Sound by People & Songs.


When you donate to the emerging sound you help to…


Support People & Songs and The Emerging Sound Missionaries

Your monthly support enables work/study opportunities for our resident missionaries. We live an Acts 4:32 life-style and all pitch in to get the work done. This supports those who have fully invested their entire lives into the mission of People & Songs. Your support helps to ensure all have what is needed and all bases are covered.


Send on Missions Trips

Donations for missions trips helps us to partner with field missionaries to bring in need support. You help send us further into the world, past our circle of influence and share the love of Christ with those who haven’t heard the good news.


Fund Camp & Internship Scholarships

Scholarships enable gifted campers, learners, and intern missionaries who have financial need to be mentored in residence by the People & Songs Community.


Turn Up The Lights & Make The City Glad

Your support helps send us into impoverished and hurting communities suffering abuse, neglect, addiction, depression and disunity.

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” St. Francis of Assisi


Preserve, Renovate & Upkeep

The historic Ruth C. Sabin home is the miracle headquarters of the full-time Emerging Sound and People & Songs missionaries. This is where they reside, internships occur, retreats are held, songs are written, and lives are changed.

Built in 1888 by an 88 year-old widow, this 3-story historic gem was home to widows for 128 years. It has 28 suites, 31 toilets, 55 beds, boasts 30K sq. foot (including unfinished basement and attic) and is well-maintained. Founders, Darrin and Jennie Lee Riddle were given the stewardship of the home for the purposes mentioned above in 2016. It carries zero mortgage and is supported by the generosity of people like you. Thank you for helping to house our missionaries.


General Fund

Thank you for your trust. By giving general donations, you empower us to allocate funds into the categories that are most needed. Support in any amount is gladly received and stewarded in faith. The Lord is very faithful to us and multiplies each “seed” in ways that bear ongoing fruit.


The Emerging Sound 501(c)3 is a not-for-profit community of missionaries comprised of creatives who are worship leaders, songwriters, artists, designers, photographers, videographers, evangelists, etc. We come from a variety of denominational backgrounds and unite to give our talents and creativity as tools with which we train, serve and send. Founders, Darrin & Jennie Lee Riddle are mentors raising others to live an extraordinary lifestyle of worship, and service to others. Jesus made disciples by walking with those He called to follow Him. It is our hope to follow Jesus well and by using His teaching example, to fulfill His commandment (Mat 28:19-20).