"What Could Have Been" — People & Songs
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"What Could Have Been"



The first lyric of this song speaks so much to me “When I think about what God has done for me.” The older I get, the more I think on those things. There aren’t many songs that I have been a part of that make me as grateful as “What Could Have Been” There is a reality that I believe it is important to face daily: Where would we be without Jesus? The reality is that it is a very dark place. As I reflect, thankfulness wells up inside of me. When I have the opportunity to lead worship, the emotion of understanding where He brought me from often comes out. I owe everything to him! Every good thing I have or have ever been a part of is Him.

As you walk through today, think back on what could’ve been and life today like it matters…because it absolutely does!


It is hard to put into words how much this song means to me.

It’s so easy to get distracted and lose perspective. It is so easy to take things for granted. I enjoy the freedom that my country provides for me, and rarely stop to think about the men and women that laid their lives down for me to have that freedom.

Even more so, God laid down His own life to give me a greater freedom. An eternal freedom. The thought for this song came to me in a moment of reflection: What if there was no cross? What if there was no blood? What if there was no resurrection? Where would I be? What would my life look like? All I could see was darkness.

Yes, it is true that we still face darkness every day, but there is a light and that light’s name is Jesus. Jesus broke through the darkness and rescued all who would believe. He poured out His life so we could that have life eternally. I tremble at the thought of what could have been, but I am so thankful that that’s not what happened. We are redeemed by the blood of the perfect spotless lamb.

My prayer is that whether it is through worship, prayer reading God’s word, or taking communion, that we never forget what God has done for us. We remember what could have been and give God praise for what He actually did. Thank you Jesus!


This song is such a special song to me. So many times we write songs about where we are or where we are going… and these are super important for us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and all that He has for us. But this song reminds us where we could’ve been if Jesus hadn’t stepped into our lives. I know for me and so many of us life was dark and sad and empty before we met Jesus… but the moment he stepped into our lives everything changed! I pray that this song reminds us of all that Jesus has done in our lives and restores the joy of our salvation!

the study
Jonathan Lee McElHenny

When we step back and really start to think about what God has done for us, it’s overwhelming! He gave us the free gift of Salvation.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it”- Ephesians 2:8-9

We did nothing to earn it. We can’t afford it. We can’t even boast about it. It was given freely because He loves us. But still it is easy to take a gift for granted, forget the price that was paid, and what we were truly saved from.

As I was reflecting this, the terrifying thought occurred to me. What if there was no cross? No blood? No resurrection? What if Jesus left us in the mistakes that we made. The life we truly deserved. We wrote in the lyrics of this song that saying it would probably be something like this:

“Darkness no source of light
Cages I built through this life
Would capture me and throw away the prison key

Chaos would wrestle my mind
Helpless I’d give up the fight
Without Him I’d be left here in my sin
That’s what could have been”

The apostle Paul mentions this in the bible in 1 Corinthians 15:12-18 (MSG)

“Now, let me ask you something profound yet troubling. If you became believers because you trusted the proclamation that Christ is alive, risen from the dead, how can you let people say that there is no such thing as a resurrection? If there’s no resurrection, there’s no living Christ.

And face it—if there’s no resurrection for Christ, everything we’ve told you is smoke and mirrors, and everything you’ve staked your life on is smoke and mirrors. Not only that, but we would be guilty of telling a string of barefaced lies about God, all these affidavits we passed on to you verifying that God raised up Christ—sheer fabrications, if there’s no resurrection.”

“If corpses can’t be raised, then Christ wasn’t, because he was indeed dead. And if Christ weren’t raised, then all you’re doing is wandering about in the dark, as lost as ever.”

But that’s not what happened! “The truth is that Christ has been raised up, the first in a long legacy of those who are going to leave the cemeteries”- 1 Corinthians 15:20 (MSG)

He did come! He died for all of our Sins! He is risen! He is alive! We are free and we too can be resurrected!

“Jesus broke through the Dark
The earth shook
The doors were unlocked
He stormed the gates of Hell
And set the prisoner free

My Savior
Ransomed my life
My Hero
He won the fight
Without Him I’d be left here in my sin
Praise God that that’s
Not how this story ends
That’s what Jesus did!”

“I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said” - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (NLT)

We put ourselves into that darkness, we turned away from God. But! He will not leave us in the darkness. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” -John 3:16 (NLT)

 All we must do it believe and confess:

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” -Romans 10:9 (NLT)

 We then become His people:

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."
- 1 Peter 2:9 (NLT)

God, I pray that no matter what darkness we are facing today, that you help us open our eyes. To see that you are the one and only light. To see the miracles that happen every day and to thank you for each one. Most of all thank you for the miracle of salvation and saving our souls. I am thankful that you loved us so much that you gave Your life so that we could have life. I pray that this song helps us remember where we came and helps us never forget what Jesus did!

what could have been lyrics

Verse 1
When I think about what God has done for me
When I step back and really start to think
I start trembling; Oh, I can't believe.

Verse 2
Amazing grace would save a wretch like me
I’m nothing that’s of value to a King
Oh, I can’t believe that He’d die for me.

Pre Chorus 1
Yeah, I’m so glad He saved my soul
Cause if he didn’t all I’d know is

Chorus 1
Darkness, no source of light
Cages I built through my life
Would capture me
And throw away the prison key
Chaos would wrestle my mind
Helpless, I’d give up the fight
Without Him, I’d be left here in my sin
Yeah, that’s what could have been
That's what could have been

Verse 3

And if Jesus never stepped
Down from His throne
Then I’d be left for dead, lost, and alone
I’d be drenched in shame, I’d be so afraid

Pre Chorus 2
Cause if there’s no blood, if there’s no cross
Then I’d be forced to pay the cost for

That’s not what happened!
That’s not how the story ends! No, no, no!

Chorus 2
Jesus broke through the dark
The earth shook
The doors were unlocked
He stormed the gates of hell
And set this prisoner free
My Savior ransomed my life
My Hero, He won the fight
Without Him, I’d be left here in my sin
Praise God that's not how the story ends
Cause that’s what Jesus did!

Oh, Oh, That’s what Jesus did!
Oh, Oh, That’s what Jesus did!
Oh, Oh, That’s what Jesus did!
Oh, Oh, That’s what Jesus did!


writers: Jonathan Lee, Jordan Merritt, cliff preston

Producers: Jordan Merritt, Kaleb Frazier, Zach Saltmarsh

mixed by seth talley

mastered by Bob Boyd at Ambient Digital


Photographer: William Read

Graphic Designer: William Read

Art Director: Jennie Lee Riddle

jonathan lee bio

Jonathan Lee McElhenny is a husband, father, pastor, worship leader and songwriter. But when asked to describe who he is, he answers, “matchmaker.” “I was created to worship, and to lead others in worship,” he says. “I like to think of myself as a matchmaker between God and man in partnership with The Holy Spirit. I want more than anything for people to have a true revelation of who God is because when people truly see Jesus, it changes them forever. That is what I am called to do. People many times have told me that my music helps them see Jesus, There is nothing better than that to me.”

Jonathan’s focus on making Jesus famous has attracted many talented artists to record songs he’s written. These artists include the Newsboys, For King & Country, Laura Story, Phillips, Craig & Dean, People & Songs, Jeff Deyo, Aaron Shust, Tricia Brock, Melanie Tierce, Rebecca St. James, Selah, Jordan Merritt, Acquire The Fire and others. Three of those songs have been nominated for four Dove Awards (Worship Song of the Year for “When The Stars Burn Down” by Travis Cottrell and Phillips, Craig & Dean, Inspirational Song of the year for ‘More And More Of You’ by Selah, Song of the Year and Pop Song of the Year for “Proof Of Your Love” by for King & Country.)

(Added Note- “When The Stars Burn Down” was number 1 on the charts inspirational Christian Radio.) “You Are My Shepherd” and “The Altar” by Tricia Brock were in the top 5 of inspirational Christian Radio along with “More and More Of You” by Selah which was also in the top 5 of inspirational Christian Radio. “Proof Of Your Love” by For King And Country was in the top of Christian Radio. “You Are My Shepherd,” “When The Stars Burn Down” and “Proof Of Your Love “have all won Sesac Awards.

McElhenny’s success is well-deserved, according to those who know him. “Jonathan is someone that I’ve written some of my best songs with.” Says co-writer, friend and label-head of People & Songs, Jennie Lee Riddle. “It’s a true honor to serve and help send him out as a blessing for such a time as this.” McElhenny is a highly successful songwriter, known as “Jonathan Lee”. And yet, he obeyed the urging of the Holy Spirit and transitioned from the road to full time pastoring in 2016. He says. “I want to leave a legacy that leads people to Jesus, and pastoring helps expand the Kingdom exponentially by helping others around me to grow in Christ. I love it."

Jonathan’s songs, co-written with notables Benji Cowart, David Moffitt, Chad Cates, Jennie Lee Riddle, Richie Fike, BJ Putnam, Doug Engquist, Corey Voss, Jordan Merritt, and Jared Anderson, bring the worshipper back to the basics as a follower of Christ. If the track record is any indication, Jonathan Lee McElhenny’s music will continue to match the hearts of men and women to the heart of a loving Savior.

Cliff Preston Bio

“I try to see people through the lens of what God has brought me through and saved me from. I believe that if God can love and use even me, he can love and use anyone.”

It’s been said that what sets Cliff Preston apart is his raw authenticity and compassion.  Preston’s music ministry began in 2002 as he began traveling with bands to bring awareness to the love of Jesus as well as the mental health crisis.  With his father being a professional counselor and pastor, he was very aware of the effect that mental health was having on the generation, as well as the ultimate source of wellness - the finished work of the cross.  He has spent the following twenty years traveling the country writing songs, leading worship, preaching, and even opening businesses geared towards Christ-centered clinical mental healthcare.

Cliff is proud to call Smackover, Arkansas his hometown.  He is even prouder of God’s faithfulness through his marriage with his wife Leslie, and the wisdom God provides as they raise their daughter Kannyn (12), and their two sons Murphy (10) and Campbell (2).

Cliff brings over two decades of ministry experience and business development to his partnership with People & Songs. In that time, he has written songs for artists including Newsong, JJ Weeks, Carrolton and more. He has shared the stage with artists such as MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, and Natalie Grant among others.  All while opening and building companies that develop platforms to display Christ to a lost and hurting world.

Cliff is excited for what is to come as he joins forces with this diverse team of artists, worship leaders, and writers for the glory of God.


Jordan Merritt is a talented Christian songwriter and musician who has made a significant impact on the contemporary Christian music scene.

With a passion for creating music that inspires and uplifts listeners, Jordan has written a number of powerful worship songs that have become beloved favorites of Christians around the world.

Among Jordan's most notable works are "You Hold It All," a popular worship song recorded by the Newsboys; "People of the Cross," moving anthem performed by Selah; and "Yet I Want More," a powerful ballad featured on Vol. 3 of The Emerging Sound project.

Jordan's music is characterized by its heartfelt lyrics, soaring melodies, and powerful vocals, which combine to create an unforgettable listening experience. Whether he is writing for himself or collaborating with other artists, Jordan's dedication to his craft and his faith shine through in every song he creates.

You might also be able to find him singing in the band that he is a part of called "The Band Table".
