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Life Bringing Symphony


life and resurrection in Jesus

Life Bringing Symphony” speaks to the resonant sound of hope and freedom when everyone, everywhere, joins in to declare and sing forth Truth and Love, rather than fear or hate. It speaks to the Word of God that brings hope, healing, and redemption in Jesus’ name.

This sound penetrates the hardest of hearts and offers fresh grace to those weary of the unrest and chaos in the world. “It beckons the sleepers to rise.” It brings the dead to life, making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland (Isa 43:19). This is the sound of resurrection life in Jesus' name.

It bleeds through all the noise of rage, angst, and despair, pointing people to Christ, who is making all things new. “The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joint and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 12:2).

That Word is Christ (John 1). He speaks Life and Wisdom, Grace and Truth, through the thick and thin, through the wind and rain. He does not rudely yell (Isa 42:2). He is not a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal (1 Cor 13:1). There is hope for us.

A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. In faithfulness He will bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till He has established justice in the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea wait for His instruction” (Isa 42:3-4).

The Word of Christ is present in His people, and together we can proclaim His Good News to the lost and the least. We are His ambassadors, children of God, made in His image, with authority and power in His name to encourage and uplift those who are hurt and struggling. 

We can be a life-bringing symphony amid a dark and chaotic world filled with lies, propaganda, deceit, heresy, and upheaval. The Word of God is alive and with that living Word, all things are possible.

“Ears once deaf now hear it clear.  
Voiceless break out in a song.
Joined with the King in His vict’ry refrain,
Our praise will awaken the dawn.
Our praise will awaken the dawn.”

lyric video

life bringing symphony” lyrics

Verse 1
A sound is emerging
That resonates freedom
And beckons the sleepers to rise
This melody echoes
Of Kingdom revival
That heralds across the skies

The Anthem
Is drowning out misery
And darkness has run in defeat
So come sing your new song
Of sweet liberation
In life bringing symphony
Oh in the life bringing symphony

Verse 2
Old rhythms of fear
Be silenced by Truth
And Courage
Bow lift up your head
This chorus is filled
With love for the message
And joy for the journey ahead

Ears once deaf now hear it clear
Voiceless break out in a song
Joined with the King
In His vict'ry refrain
Our praise will awaken the dawn
Our praise will awaken the dawn
Our praise will awaken the dawn

CCLI Song # 7082539
Jennie Lee Riddle | Kaden Slay | Victoria Rowe
For licensing contact Music Services
Master recording features Kaden Slay