a few words from
jordan merritt
"Can we be human? I just want to have a conversation."
I could easily write an entire blog on what it means to be human. But I believe the Bible and years of scientific study provide a better answer than I could. Instead, I want to focus on something else: the conversation.
I’ve spent much of my adult life in vocational ministry, and if there’s one thing I know, it’s that ministry involves conflict. In fact, I’d argue that 80 percent of ministry is conflict resolution. Whether it’s denominational, philosophical, theological, personal, familial, or over vision, priorities, or values—conflict is everywhere.
I haven’t always navigated it perfectly, and I’m sure you haven’t either. But here’s what I know about human conflict: 100 percent of the time, it starts with a conversation.
And right now, conflict is all around us. So here’s the point: this song is an invitation to hard conversations.
Look around the world—religion, race, politics, abortion, sexuality. Everything seems like a hot topic. People are afraid to engage in these conversations. I often hesitate to post something I believe in, knowing it might cause frustration or confusion without the chance to explain my perspective.
We’re living in a powder-keg culture, quick to react to what angers us, and avoiding meaningful dialogue with those we disagree with. We set “boundaries” at family gatherings to avoid uncomfortable topics, thinking it keeps the peace, but in reality, it builds walls between us.
But here’s the thing: when we talk about what we disagree on, we open the door to understanding and love. The goal of conversation isn’t necessarily agreement—it’s love.
And there is only one truth. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life. This means Jesus is the path to truth, and that truth leads to fullness of life. He also said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
The Greek word for "truth" can also mean "reality." So, you shall know reality, and reality will set you free. We see this in addiction recovery—you have to face the truth of where you are. In our faith, we must confess our sins, accept the truth, and turn from what holds us back.
Truth leads to life. Jesus is the truth. The Bible reveals Him to us.
Listen to Jordan Merritt’s interview with NRT's Founder, Kevin McNeese about Truth and Unity in Today’s Church
Now, back to the conversation. I know some people may disagree with everything I’ve said, and that’s okay. I’d love to have a conversation with them, because they may see things I don’t. I value your perspective, even if it doesn’t change my mind.
If we will learn to do this, we will learn to love each other better.
Jesus was incredible at loving people who were different from Him. He sought out those others would avoid. That’s why He came—to seek and save the lost. So why should the Church, God’s people, be any different?
We shouldn’t avoid those who disagree with us. We should run toward them. We shouldn’t shy away from difficult conversations. We should invite them and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us through them. We should engage the world with love, with grace, and with humility, because that’s what Jesus did.
Every one of us needs Him. Every one of us experiences pain, hurt, doubt, fear, and loneliness. These shared struggles unite us as humans. Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We’ve all felt the sting of sin—whether it’s our own or someone else’s.
So, here’s my prayer:
For the Church—that we would love each other the way Jesus asked us to. Like Jesus prayed in John 17, that we would be in unity, just as He and the Father are. That we would share the truth in love, live humbly and gently with one another, and keep the peace through unity in the Spirit. Ephesians 4 says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
We should not fear the world, but engage it with the love of Jesus, shining His light into the darkness.
This song began as a prayer for the Church, and for the world, to stop fighting, quarreling, and creating division. Jesus prayed for our unity, and there’s a connection between how we love one another and how the world sees Him.
And here’s my prayer for the world: that we could have a conversation—about anything—without offense, fear, or judgment. That we would seek to understand each other more than we seek to be right.
I’ll be upfront: I’m a Bible-believing, church-going, family-loving farm boy with a guitar. I don’t have a degree or a big business, but I do have a deep love for Jesus. And He loves you more than either of us can comprehend. He calls me to love you too.
I won’t back down from my convictions, but I promise to engage with an open mind and a heart willing to hear your perspective. And in doing so, I believe we’ll see a little bit of ourselves in each other—and maybe even see Jesus there too.
So, I’m asking for a chance.
"Can we be human? I just want to have a conversation."
jordan merritt Bio
Jordan Merritt is a talented Christian songwriter and musician who has made a significant impact on the contemporary Christian music scene.
With a passion for creating music that inspires and uplifts listeners, Jordan has written a number of powerful worship songs that have become beloved favorites of Christians around the world.
Among Jordan's most notable works are "You Hold It All," a popular worship song recorded by the Newsboys; "People of the Cross," moving anthem performed by Selah; and "Yet I Want More," a powerful ballad featured on Vol. 3 of The Emerging Sound project.
Jordan's music is characterized by its heartfelt lyrics, soaring melodies, and powerful vocals, which combine to create an unforgettable listening experience. Whether he is writing for himself or collaborating with other artists, Jordan's dedication to his craft and his faith shine through in every song he creates.
You might also be able to find him singing in the band that he is a part of called "The Band Table".
“human” lyrics
Verse 1
Oh, I know it feels like
Every word begins a fight
But I swear we have
So much more in common
We have hopes and broken dreams
We get hurt and we both bleed
We both understand there's problems
But to solve them
Chorus 1
Can we be human?
I just want to have a conversation
It might be stupid
But we both might be mistaken
It might sound crazy and impossible
But I feel so responsible to love you
And the only way we can do it
Is for us to just be human
Verse 2
Oh, somewhere along the line
We let fear change our design
Will we turn it back
Or just accept the ruins?
All this pain, all this war
All this hate we swung like swords
Will we stop and ask ourselves
"What are we doin'?"
Chorus 2
Can we be human?
I just want to have a conversation
It might be stupid
But we both might be mistaken
It might sound crazy and impossible
But I feel so responsible to love you
And the only way we can do it
Is for us to just be human
Bridge 1
We may not see eye to eye
But we'll find hope if we just try
And do our best with what we have
Cause it's a vapor
So let's agree to disagree
But can we live in harmony?
Cause we're all fashioned
In the image of our Maker
And I think we'd both agree
We need a Savior
Chorus 3
So, Can we be human?
I just want to have a conversation
It might be stupid
But the love might be contagious
It might sound crazy and impossible
But I feel so responsible to love you
And the only way I know to do it
Is for us to just be human
Can we just be human?