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He Is Right Here - Devotional

He Is Right Here

By Kaden Slay

Are you feeling extra human today? Need someone bigger than you today who can handle your world full of cares? Do you need someone who can answer the cause of your prayers? It’s easy in moments of vulnerability and pain to distance ourselves and even pull away from God, if that’s possible. It’s easy to medicate ourselves with routine, escape, and any other thing we think might help ease the pain; intentionally and unintentionally. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel worthy, or maybe we’ve just blown it. Maybe we’re just actually afraid of intimacy with God.

But here’s the thing: in reality, that’s all God wants with us. It’s the reason He created us. To love and be loved by Him. He doesn’t need us, but He wants us. He wants to draw close to us. To have relationship with us. God’s desire is to draw close enough to us, to enter into our hearts, to fix all of the problems we think we have to handle on our own.

But that requires us to be vulnerable. Flesh does not want to be vulnerable. Vulnerability eats at our pride and the closeness makes us feel uncomfortable. But for the healing we need to take place, we have surrender some things: our pride, our will, our need for control. But with the surrendering of these things comes the surrendering of a few other things as well. We get to lay down all of those heavy things we carry. All of that sorrow, all of that regret, the burdens, the guilt, the bitterness, it all goes onto the shoulders of the one Person who is strong enough to carry it all: Jesus. It’s not too heavy. You’re not too heavy. He is right here to handle everything you’re not big enough to carry.