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The Reason


By Crystal Yates, People & Songs

Christmas 2018 was very special for me. I got to record and release the EP The Reason with my favorite human at the helm producing, Will Yates, my husband of 21 years. Along with a host of excellent musicians, engineers, and friends. 

I recorded a couple of my favorite classic Christmas tunes including a new southern soul version of a favorite song of mine “What A Wonderful Child”!  I also LOVE that I got to write the title track, “I Want The Reason,” with a couple of my People & Songs family members Jennie Lee Riddle and Kaden Slay! It is truly a special song for me, that I so want you to hear!

I love Christmas and Christmas music so much. For me, the bright lights, the parties, the family times, traditions, decorating, cooler weather, and especially the music—it all makes me feel so vibrant and alive! But, there is an even bigger reason I really am alive, with new life giving me more than I could have ever hoped for. That is all because God sent the sweetest and most wonderful gift, even to a sinner like me. Jesus.

Whether we realize it or not, we are celebrating one of the most precious moments in history —next to Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection! We celebrate the humility and beauty of God sending His only Son to invade our darkness with His glorious love! My heart skips a beat even writing about it. When I really ponder it and imagine the holiness of that moment —our Deliverer was delivered and put into our hands, to save us all. 

Available on Apple Music

Available on Apple Music

Oh the wonder of it all! The beauty and favor of God to come and shine upon man in the form of a tiny baby. Majesty and power kissed the earth the night this world’s Savior was born. Angels rejoiced and made special visitations to tell people a king was born in Bethlehem, a Savior, Jesus, the Christ! A special star even appeared in the night sky. It’s just too wonderful for words! It was a miraculous and unbelievable thing. THAT night changed everything for us.

God has given us His best, His own son, Jesus Christ. May we not forget the Reason that we celebrate the season! We have every reason to hope with ALL that we are. To expect God to show up in all of life’s moments— in ways we least expect—walk with us, and be our Emmanuel, our God is with us!

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, has come. So come and behold Him, look for Him, share Him, and don’t let the reason we celebrate get lost in the shuffle. Enjoy this Christmas —go to the parties, bake the cookies, sing the songs, gather with friends and family, visit neighbors, celebrate, be filled with joy, life and hope. But always remember He is the why! I pray this collection of songs brings joy and blessings to your hearts and home this Christmas as you celebrate the Reason for this season! I hope you all have the Merriest Christmas you ever had! Because…

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 

Joyfully Serving,
