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Hallelujah My Soul Sings

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How I long to join in with Heaven
How I long to meet with You face to face
But until I see You completely
I’ll wait with eyes of faith

Though we may not recognize it in every moment, our very deepest need is the same one as the first man and woman that walked with God in the garden. They had face to face, heart to heart communion with Him. That was all they ever needed, and all any of us need. But now we live in a broken world facing the consequences of having chosen something lesser.

In Christ, we've been forgiven and made alive; we're given a new heart that yearns for the breath of God the way our bodies require oxygen.

Paul says in Romans 8 that all of creation is groaning as it longs for the day that we will be glorified with Christ as the children of God. And in 1 Corinthians 13, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” What a promise! The earth, the heavens, our very bones, aren’t crying out in vain. One day I’ll know Jesus as intimately as He knows me. For now, In His kindness, He is revealing more and more of Himself through His Word and His Spirit than I’ll ever be able to fully grasp in this lifetime.

How I long to join in with Heaven
How I long to meet with You face to face
But until I see You completely
I’ll wait with eyes of faith

Get the Charts, the Album or Stream it here.