Painting by Robin Oas - - Inspired by Passion Song
written by Charity Gayle, Jennie Lee Riddle, Melanie Tierce and Brandon Collins
For personal connection to the power of the cross we have chosen Divine Exchange. "On the cross hung my pain", "He took my place", "Grace is mine" are truths worth meditating on, and allow the worshipper to really exalt the work of the cross, where Jesus took our place, and in doing so, made us heirs of salvation. The bridge turns to a decisioned response, "I lay down all lesser things for greater gain." In 4 min Divine Exchange shares the whole of the Gospel, sinks it deeply into the heart, and compels it to respond.
iTunes - Charts - CCLI Song Select
written by Sean Carter and Tyler Ellison
An incredible telling of the events of Holy Week told from the narrative perspective of John the Beloved. The ground covered in this song makes it a perfect consideration for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. The visual and emotional poetry in "Passion Song" allow the listener to almost see the crowds on the triumphant entry of Jesus, taste the last supper, and even feel the heartbreak of John at the last words of Jesus, and the Joy of finding an empty tomb.
iTunes - Charts - CCLI Song Select
written by Jennie Lee Riddle and Matt Papa
A victory shout for Easter Morning, "It Is Finished" paints a picture of the power in the final words of Jesus. "It is finished, It is done, To the world salvation comes! Hallelujah we're alive! Hell was silenced when You cried "It is finished" The bridge is a powerful celebration that reminds us that the veil was torn, darkness was defeated, and the keys of the kingdom were given over to us! If you are looking for a great Easter closing song this is it!
Mp3 (Magen Thurman) - iTunes (Matt Papa) - Song Select
written by Jennie Lee Riddle and Crystal Yates
"When Love Was Slain" has a timeless hymn-like quality that even at first listen feels like coming home. The verses are sweet confessions "My home's been made at heavens throne" "I am His and His alone" "Come now walk with me" and these verses stand on the powerful chorus "Now ransomed, I am freedoms slave. My Jesus raised me from the grave". Connect your congregation to their own personal security and resurrection by including this in your Easter playlist.
iTunes - Chart - CCLI Song Select
written by Sean Carter and Caroline Cobb
A beautiful merging of the Jewish Passover Feast and Jesus on the cross. Jesus is our passover lamb, His blood saved us from the curse of sin, just as the Passover lamb freed the Jewish people from the great plagues. "His cross will be our doorway". Just as the children of Israel danced in the streets, "Daughters and sons rejoice in resurrection and death swallowed up in endless life". The Passover Song works well to celebrate the passover, is as perfect backdrop to communion and is easily followed by a congregational singing of "Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus", as each chorus uses lyric from the classic hymn to draw its parallel lines of Passover and Easter.
written by Charity Gayle, Melanie Tierce and Sean Carter
The remembrance of Christ's words in Matthew 19:21 “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Begin the Hymn-like "Come To The Cross". The invitation continues to examine the cross, and then proclaims the empty grave inspired by the words of the angel in Matt 28:6 "He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where He lay." The bridge reminds the believer that we have the Holy Spirit, and we too can take up our cross, follow Jesus, and tell the world! As well as inspiring the believer, "Come To The Cross" is a perfect song for an invitational moment in an Easter worship service.