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A Few Things I’ve Learned: Marriage advice from Jennie Riddle (30 year anniversary)

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Recently People & Songs Founders Jennie Lee Riddle and Darrin Riddle celebrated 30 years of marriage. They have impacted all of us in indescribable ways. One of these ways is how they model Godly marriage and service to Jesus. Here is a list of 10 points of advice regarding marriage from Jennie Lee Riddle herself.

1) Just do it. Get married. Figure all the rest out together. TOGETHER. 
2) If you can, do it young before your frontal lobes develop and you start over thinking everything. 
3) Don't look back. Hold the hand next to you and use the free hand you each have left to get stuff done 
4) Be a safe place to fail- don't expect perfection - could you bear up under that expectation? 
5) A marriage license gives you the legal right to build something awesome - it's not a right to inherit awesome - build awesome together. 
6) There is no back door. There is no escape hatch. You either live together happy, live together miserable, or kill each other. Divorce is not an option--- so live together happy. How? 
7) Let go of the need to be right, first, best, top, etc. Be grateful to lift up, follow suite, make the way, consider others, forgive quickly, forgive completely, laugh at and with each other, on repeat [things I learned from my husband who says "you just can't go wrong serving"] 
8) Give each other permission to be themselves and expect nothing less than their “best selves."
9) Forgive first and forgive fast.
10) Love Jesus. Love Him by the way you love your spouse.